Manglik Dosh


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Mangal Dosh or broadly known as Mangalik Dosha is a problem which is created due to wrong placement of Planet Mars or Mangal Grah in one’s horoscope. There are too many negative implications of this Mangal Dosha, the most significant among them being the following :

  • There are problems / delay in accomplishment of marriage
  • The affected person has a very short temper and additionally there are difficulties in achieving overall progress
  • There are problems in the married life even if the marriage takes place at a perfect marriageable age.

There may be many other problem as well regarding Health, Wealth and overall Happiness. However the most prominent problem due to this dosha is related to marriage and unless this dosha is rectified by getting a proper Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja performed, it is almost impossible for the person to lead a happy or normal life. Therefore, we strongly recommend to get this puja performed at your place or alternately our team of learned purohits can do this on your behalf.


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